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Thursday, May 10, 2012


Defenition: A Stanza is a group of lines used to make divisions in the poem.


To The River by Edgar Allan Poe
(published 1829)

Fair river! in thy bright, clear flow
    Of crystal, wandering water,
Thou art an emblem of the glow
       Of beauty -- the unhidden heart --
       The playful maziness of art
In old Alberto's daughter;

But when within thy wave she looks --
       Which glistens then, and trembles --
Why, then, the prettiest of brooks
       Her worshipper resembles;
For in my heart, as in thy stream,
    Her image deeply lies --
The heart which trembles at the beam
    Of her soul-searching eyes.
The break or space after the sixth line is the end of the stanza. The new stanza begins at the seventh line; "But when within thy wave she looks."

Explanation: The term stanza is crucial in the developement of poetry. The usage of the term is important because it organizes the poem, and when a stanza is made, the group of lines together often, if not always relate to one another. The starting of another stanza is similar to a paragraph when speaking in prose.

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